Cinta Indah
Sunday, March 2, 2008
INDAH. A Soap opera played on SCTV, story about girl name Indah that having a difficult way of life, came from village, go to the city to gain some money to help her family, until found a place to work as a nanny, here the stories begin, it is all about love.
Hm, beautifull love from sandradewi.
Played on Monday-Friday, 21.00-22.00

May 10, 2008 at 10:53 PM
Jujur ya, ak jarang sekali lihat nih Cinta Indah, coz, jalan ceritanya jarang ak ikut, hehhehee (maklum ak banyak kegiatan diluar dibandingkan di dirumah). God Bless U Sist
May 10, 2008 at 10:54 PM
Jujur saja ya, ak jarang sekali lihat ni sinetron Cinta Indah, coz ak gak punya waktu nonton nih film, heheheee.
God Bless U Sist